From the President

Dear Fellow Alumni,


As the President of the Harvard University Alumni Association in Lebanon, it is my pleasure to invite you to become an active member in our community of alumni!

The Harvard University Alumni Association in Lebanon serves as the official platform for over 300 Harvard Alumni with personal or professional ties to Lebanon. Our Association is a vibrant and diverse community of scholars, leaders, and innovators who share a common bond of having graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the world.As a member of our association, you will have access to a wide range of resources, events, and initiatives that can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Through programs that promote the values and ideals of Harvard University, we offer our alumni the chance to share their experiences, expertise, and knowledge with one another, and to build relationships that can last a lifetime. We are committed to supporting the Harvard alumni community in Lebanon, and to providing opportunities for our members to connect, engage, and make a positive impact in Lebanon and beyond.Whether you are looking to connect with fellow alumni in your industry, expand your professional network, or simply stay engaged with the Harvard community, being an active member of the Harvard Alumni network is an extraordinary opportunity to achieve your goals. I encourage you to join the Harvard University Alumni Association in Lebanon and become an active member of this amazing community. We also value your opinions and invite you to share with us any ideas or suggestions which would allow us to improve our association and further support our growing community.Our Harvard experience does not have to end just because we have graduated. Don't miss out on the spirit and camaraderie of your local club.  Get involved today!


Najib Hage-Chahine, LL.M.'11

President, Harvard University Alumni Association of Lebanon